We love sharing and learning with other educators! We are available to lead the following workshops with your school's staff.

Differentiated Instruction
"Differentiated instruction" is a buzz word in today's educational world, but how DO you actually meet the needs of a diverse group of 20-30 learners ?! We can share strategies for simultaneously supporting students who are performing below, at and above expectations.

Writing Support
Writing is a skill everyone needs, yet it can be one of the hardest subjects to teach. We do our wonderful writing units, but are they making our students better writers? We can provide tips for helping a student organize and plan their writing and then make their way through the writing process.

Direct Phonics Instruction
About 50% of general education students do NOT inuitively pick up on the patterns of phonics and require DIRECT instruction in decoding. Learn how to support lower-level readers and bring them up to grade level.

Alternative Math Strategies
You've probably heard of the "Singapore Method" that is gaining traction in New York City. This is just one of many "new" ways to help students understand the concepts behind mathematical processes and word problems. We can train your staff in progressive and concept-based strategies.